Saturn: $11.3M Rev; $2.1M Enviro Service Growth Opportunity

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SATURN, a one-stop, diverse environmental services provider seeks a majority recap to support the continued growth of their proprietary service offering that’s driven 47% CAGR from 2021 to 2023. An experienced team offers multiple solutions to address environmental services around regulatory compliance, testing, clean-up and sustainable disposal of hazardous and non-hazardous materials. Their services include permitting and licensing, environmental site assessments & testing, compliance monitoring, waste evaluation, treatment and handling, hazardous waste management, industrial hygiene, storm water inspections and maintenance, and underground storage tank services. SATURN's commitment to excellence and sustainability makes them a trusted partner in navigating complex environmental issues for multi-site service operators across the United States.
While the Company enjoyed exceptional growth the last three years, they’re in early innings given recent environmental IP development. They seek a proven growth partner with experience in environmental and industrial services to support this growth.
Saturn notes they have not seen another individual company providing their value proposition and solution to the market. When customers learn of it, they typically terminate relationships with multiple vendors to get the total environmental solution offered by Saturn. The Company is currently contracted with three of the top ten operators nationally who require their services and are in meaningful conversations with others.
What we love about Saturn:
Saturn’s business is comprised of thousands of small ticket service items ($100-$500). Most customers engage with the Company via multi-year Master Service Agreements outlining the specific fee for services. The Company performs consistent routine services that often uncover additional services to increase the visit from a basic $100 fee to a $500, $1,000 or $10,000 service. The base service and other services are regulated and required. Given their one-stop shop and proprietary disposal solution, they are gaining market share at a rapid rate. This is a highly predictable business.
As a result of recent growth investments and the development of their proprietary IP, the Company is getting inquiries for services beyond what they can handle today. This is a growth investment where management will stay, retain a meaningful equity tranche and drive SATURN for the next 4-6 years to take advantage of its IP and strong market demand.
SATURN offers full service to many customers where it has infrastructure to support those services, and partial service to others where they haven’t fully built out their infrastructure. Management’s goal is to expand facilities to offer full services to all customers and to be the de facto leader in its offerings nationally. They expect to achieve national coverage within 5-6 years with the right partner.
Market Outlook / Competition
SATURN's capabilities are only recently gaining national traction and attention. Their IP provides an environmental solution for customers that incumbent service providers don’t offer. Furthermore, being a one-stop-shop has provided the Company with a significant advantage over its competitors. The regulatory environment for the services are complex and often outside the core experience set of facility managers. The owners of the facilities appreciate off-loading these regulated services to professionals who have a better solution for their business, their managers and their facilities. The right buyer will discover SATURN as an excellent opportunity to grow with existing customers and capitalize on their recurring revenue from a range of services.