
Perspectives and updates on the M&A industry.

Industries Hot for M&A in 2025

For businesses considering strategic transactions, understanding the industries that are ripe for M&A activity can provide valuable insights and opportunities.

What is Adjusted EBITDA?

I keep hearing the terms EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA. What do they mean and what is the difference? Can they be the same?

Part II: Financing Options for Buying A Business or Growing your Business

Part 2: As a business owner looking to grow your business with additional capital or a buyer who'd like to quit the rat race and acquire a business to run, there are several options when you are looking for financing. This two-part blog post outlines the options and pros and cons that come with various financing channels.

Part I: Financing Options for Buying A Business or Growing your Business

Part 1: As a business owner looking to grow your business with additional capital or a buyer who'd like to quit the rat race and acquire a business to run, there are several options when you are looking for financing. This two part blog post outlines the options and pros and cons that come with various financing channels.